91制片厂Pro is committed to the task of providing a safe and comfortable learning environment for students, employees, and the local community.

If you see suspicious behavior聽on one of 91制片厂Pro’s campuses,聽please dial 911 or call聽91制片厂Pro Security and report the behavior with information including location, date and time, persons involved, descriptions, and witness.聽

91制片厂Pro聽Security聽can be reached at:
Four Corners – (352) 516-4283
Leesburg – (352) 516-3795聽聽聽
South Lake – (352) 516-5074
Sumter – (352) 303-7296聽聽

Annual Security Report

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to publish an annual security report containing campus security policies and procedures, as well as crime statistics. The Clery Act was enacted in 1990, and amended in 1992, 1998, 2000, 2008, and most recently in 2013.

The following information is provided to you as part of 91制片厂Pro鈥檚 commitment to safety and security on campus and satisfies all of the requirements of the Clery Act. This Annual Security Report includes information about a variety of security policies, services and programs available to you as members of the College community. All statistics in this Annual Security Report are presented and updated in compliance with amendments to the Act. A paper copy of the Annual Security Report is available upon request at no charge.